Mar 28th, 2019

OHESI releases Women & HIV in Ontario factsheet

We are excited to announce the release of a factsheet about women and HIV in Ontario. This factsheet was developed in collaboration with the Women & HIV/AIDS Initiative (WHAI), the Ontario HIV Epidemiology and Surveillance Initiative (OHESI), and the OHTN Cohort Study (OCS). The purpose of this factsheet is to highlight which women are most at risk for HIV and the service needs and challenges for women living with HIV in Ontario.

Download Women & HIV in Ontario factsheet.

The intent of the fact sheet is not to be exhaustive, but to provide an overview of the key issues we must address to end the HIV epidemic for women in Ontario. The information is gathered from multiple sources, including surveillance data, communicated research findings, published literature, and conference proceedings. We included the most recent and rigorous data available to draw attention to specific issues.

We hope this factsheet helps support the development and implementation of services and policies that meet the needs and priorities of women living with or at risk of HIV.

For more information on WHAI or to contact a WHAI coordinator, visit
For more information on the OHTN Cohort Study (OCS), visit